Fotona TightSculpting® with Lipolysis

Fotona TightSculpting® with Lipolysis at Belle Visage Medical Aesthetics in Burleson, TX, is a synergistic treatment that combines skin tightening and fat melting to redefine body contours. This advanced procedure uses a unique dual-wavelength laser system that not only firms up lax skin but also targets and liquefies fat cells in stubborn areas. The treatment is effective on various body parts, including the abdomen, thighs, arms, and under the chin, offering a non-surgical alternative to more invasive procedures. Fotona TightSculpting® with Lipolysis is ideal for individuals looking for a non-invasive way to tone their body and reduce localized fat deposits resistant to diet and exercise.

Fotona TightSculpting® with Lipolysis

Fotona TightSculpting® with Lipolysis at Belle Visage Medical Aesthetics in Burleson, TX, is a synergistic treatment that combines skin tightening and fat melting to redefine body contours. This advanced procedure uses a unique dual-wavelength laser system that not only firms up lax skin but also targets and liquefies fat cells in stubborn areas. The treatment is effective on various body parts, including the abdomen, thighs, arms, and under the chin, offering a non-surgical alternative to more invasive procedures. Fotona TightSculpting® with Lipolysis is ideal for individuals looking for a non-invasive way to tone their body and reduce localized fat deposits resistant to diet and exercise.

Microneedling Burleson, TX

Clients can expect a gradual improvement in the treatment area with a more noticeable difference after a series of sessions. The skin tightening effects, as well as the fat reduction, are long-lasting, especially when accompanied by a stable weight, a healthy diet, and regular exercise. The full impact of the treatment typically unfolds over the course of several months as the body naturally eliminates the disrupted fat cells and produces new collagen. To take the first step toward a more sculpted and firm physique, book an appointment at Belle Visage Medical Aesthetics today.

Benefits of Fotona TightSculpting® with Lipolysis:

  • Non-invasive procedure with no incisions
  • Dual action of skin tightening and fat melting
  • Minimal discomfort and no need for anesthesia
  • No downtime, resume daily activities immediately
  • Safe for all skin types and tones
  • Gradual, natural-looking results
  • Treats a wide range of body areas
  • Encourages collagen production for firmer skin
  • Long-lasting results with proper care
  • Quick treatment sessions in a comfortable setting

Fotona TightSculpting® with Lipolysis FAQs

Who is a good candidate for Fotona TightSculpting® with Lipolysis?

Individuals close to their ideal body weight who want to address specific areas of loose skin and localized fat deposits are good candidates for this treatment.

When will I see results from Fotona TightSculpting® with Lipolysis?

Results can be seen gradually, with improvements becoming more apparent after each treatment and optimal results typically visible a few months after completing a treatment series.

How long do results from Fotona TightSculpting® with Lipolysis last?

The results are long-lasting, especially when supported by a healthy lifestyle, with many clients enjoying the benefits for several years.

Is there any downtime or side effects with Fotona TightSculpting® with Lipolysis?

There is little to no downtime required, and side effects are minimal, usually limited to temporary redness or swelling in the treated area.

What should I do before and after Fotona TightSculpting® with Lipolysis treatment?

Avoid sun exposure and tanning before treatment. After treatment, it’s important to stay hydrated, maintain a healthy diet, and exercise regularly to enhance and prolong results.

What can I expect during Fotona TightSculpting® with Lipolysis treatment?

During the treatment, you will feel a warming sensation as the laser targets fat cells and tightens the skin. The procedure is designed to be comfortable, and cooling mechanisms ensure patient comfort throughout the session.

Are you ready for a consultation?

Your treatment will be performed by a licensed therapist. Schedule your appointment now!

Are you ready for a consultation?

Your treatment will be performed by a licensed therapist. Schedule your appointment now!