ClearSteps Onychomycosis Treatment (Fungal Toenails) Burleson, TX

Onychomycosis is a fungal infection that causes discoloration, thickening, and separation on the nail bed. Generally, the problems caused by Onychomycosis are cosmetic, and the main symptoms are changes in the appearance of nails. The condition rarely causes pain or foul odors.

Laser onychomycosis treatment is non-invasive, uses no chemicals or oral medications, stimulates the natural growth and immune process of the body, and is safe and painless.

Laser treatment is a revolutionary method for treating Onychomycosis and is quick and effective. Lasers use Nd: YAG laser light that heats evenly throughout the depth of affected nails and skin tissue. Laser light effectively weakens and kills parasitic fungi that infect the nail.

Treating Onychomycosis includes:

Nd: YAD laser pulses in a circular pattern that covers the entire nail. You may feel a slight heating sensation throughout your nail.

The laser pulses around the nail bed’s perimeter and eliminates fungus in the tissue surrounding the nail.

How Many Sessions Are Needed?

Laser treatment on Onychomycosis is usually performed four times at one-week internals. All the nails should be treated just in case fungus has migrated into the other nails.

Laser Hair Reduction

Banish your unwanted hair with laser hair removal treatments. Using top-of-the-line and cutting-edge lasers, we can remove hair quickly and efficiently with results that last forever.

Any part of the body can be enhanced by laser hair reduction. Ask for a consult on what type of laser hair reduction is best for you.

Laser Treatment for Benign Skin Lesions

Benign skin lesions are common and noncancerous growths common in older adults. They appear in many sizes, colors, and shapes. Growths develop in a short period, and these lesions can become irritated or bleed.

Common Benign Skin Lesions include:

  • Seborrheic keratosis
  • Cosmetic moles
  • Warts,
  • Skin tags

How are skin lesions removed?

Depending on the type of skin lesions you have, there are many approaches to treating these lesions. Options include safe laser treatment, has minimal downtime, and is effective.

Varicose and Spider Vein Treatment

Varicose veins most commonly appear in the legs. The reason? The legs are farther away from the heart and lungs, and it takes a get deal of work to overcome gravity and pump blood back to the heart. This causes veins in the legs to be susceptible to blood backing up and causing varicose and spider veins to develop.

Spider veins appear on the leg and also on the face. Laser therapy is a safe and time-proven method to improve the overall appearance of spider veins.

Laser technology is a state-of-the-art procedure that is available for varicose vein removal. Using two different wavelengths complementary to each other, the Fotona 4D laser system uses one laser light wave that pulses to target veins deep beneath the skin. The other wavelength is used to rid you of spider veins. Treatments can be performed layer by layer.

The longer pulse from the laser gives the option to treat the varicose veins. Thermal damage from lasers is restricted to the blood vessel being treated. The blood within the vessel absorbs the energy, and damage to surrounding tissue is prevented. The body removes the destroyed vein in the same way it heals from a bruise.

Are laser treatments for varicose and spider veins safe?

Laser treatments are done with little or no downtime and are safe and non-invasive. Discuss your options with a professional at Bellaburlesmedspa to determine the best way to treat your varicose and spider veins.

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Laser Scar Revision

Laser scar revision is minimally invasive and well-tolerated by patients. Using laser technology, Er:YAG skin resurfacing can gently ablate scar tissue and trigger active collagen remodeling. Active scars are very responsive to ER:YAG laser treatments, and further use of the Nd:YAG wavelength gives you further improvement in the tissue quality of your scars.

Fotona dual-wavelength scar revision therapy is part of single but thorough scar treatment, and immediate results can be seen. Dual-wavelength scar treatment therapies give you a highly effective solution that addresses a scar’s aesthetic appearance and resolves confounding factors within the scars’ vascular system.

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Laser Stretch Mark Treatment

Lasers work to remove stretch marks by laser resurfacing. Specialized laser systems stimulate the production of collagen, elastin, and other healthy sin proteins in the subdermal layers of the skin. Treatments reduce the appearance of stretch marks, so new skin tissue matches our existing skin tones.

Lasers are passed over your stretch mark scar to deliver a powerful combination of thermal heat and light that penetrate the deeper layers of your skin. It helps to restart your body’s natural generative process.

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Laser Treatment of Active Acne

The perfect solution to acne problems is the Nd:YAG laser, which is precisely controlled and allows laser light to penetrate the skin and safely target overactive sebaceous glands. Nd:YAG laser light reduces the risk of developing new acne inflammation.

Fontana offers a complete laser system based on gentle and precise skin resurfacing. The ER:YAG laser beam can be absorbed by mico-layers of the skin to vaporize scarred tissues and trigger the production of new collagen.

Laser treatment reduces acne inflammation via photoselective absorption and controlled heating. Fontana’s high-powered Nd:YAG laser penetrates the skin to give optimal thermal treatment to destroy overactive sebaceous glands. Additionally, the healing process is accelerated, and collagen is stimulated.

Fractional Ablative Resurfacing Acne Revision

Fontana’s Er:YAG laser wavelength can remove problematic acne scars. This laser is perfect for gentle ablative scar revision. In addition, laser heat and light safety provide the minimal penetration depth required to resurrect acne-scarred skin. Laser energy will improve skin texture and tone. Don’t try chemical peels or dermabrasion. Laser skin resurfacing allows the healing of skin to be precisely controlled. The laser vaporizes micron-thin layers of acne-scarred skin to bring back healthy skin. Laser resurfacing and revision is simple, safe, and fast.

Removal of Pigmented Lesions

Pigmented lesions are usually benign, and they are very common. The Q-Switch lasers are the perfect tools for removing benign pigmented lesions that make your skin look damaged. Multi-wavelength Q-Switch laser systems can produce short pulses of intense light absorbed by the pigment in a lesion. Lasers can treat lesions from moles to vascular lesions, plus sunspots and melasma. The superficial lesion can be treated very effectively with the 532 nm wavelength, leaving your skin undamaged.

For difficult melasma, lasers are particularly effective and break apart pigment and not skin cells. Thus, pigment destruction can take place without damaging your skin. In addition, unique laser features allow treatment possibilities of removing complex, multicolored tattoos.

Cherry Angioma or Red Spot Treatment

Cherry Angioma or Red Spot Treatment

Cherry Angiomas are red or purple spots made from dilated capillaries. They are common skin growths in adults over the age of 30. They usually appear on the torso but can appear anywhere, including the arms, legs, chest, and scalp. They are benign or noncancerous skin growths, usually round to oval-shaped, and can be smooth and flat or a raised bump on the skin. They range in size from a tiny dot to several millimeters.

Cherry angiomas are not dangerous, even if they resemble certain types of skin cancer. However, if you have cherry angiomas that bleed or change shape, size, or color, see your health care provider as soon as possible.

Belle Visage Medical Aesthetics uses an Er: YAG laser and removing cherry angiomas is a 15-minute painless procedure. A concentrated laser beam targets the angioma and shrinks it. Eventually, it does disappear. It only takes one treatment for those with lighter skin (Fitzpatrick 1-3) and two treatments for darker skin types.

Cherry Angiomas can happen due to exposure to chemicals and gases in the environment, climate sometimes plays a part, but genetics is the main reason you have cherry angiomas. If your grandparents or parents had them, then you probably will also. Hormones may also play a role in the appearance of these angiomas. You can also discover these little bumps after childbirth, which may be linked to an increase in prolactin or the hormone that stimulates breast milk production.

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