IntimaLase® Burleson, TX


Urinary incontinence and vaginal rejuvenation

You can regain tightness in the vaginal area, sexual pleasure, and intimacy to a more youthful state.
As a general term, “vaginal rejuvenation” refers to a treatment or procedure that increases the tone of the vaginal muscle, tightens the vaginal and labial tissues, enhances sexual pleasure, and often reduces symptoms of stress urinary incontinence (urinary incontinence with laughing, coughing, sneezing, etc.) The IntimaLase® treatment stimulates collagen remodeling and new collagen synthesis through laser-induced thermal effects in the vaginal tissue. A tightening of the vaginal canal is the final result of collagen neogenesis and remodeling.

Utilizing the cutting-edge technology of our Fotona Laser system, non-invasive results can be achieved with little to no downtime!

Many women report immediate results after their first treatment!

How does IntimaLase® work?

The IntimaLase® laser has a wavelength of 2940 nm Er:YAG with built-in proprietary technology solutions that deliver specially formulated laser energy to the vaginal mucosa tissue and to the collagen-rich endopelvic fascia.

What happens during and after the procedure?

No special preparation or postoperative care is required. The treatment session will last approximately 30 to 45 minutes, and you can resume your daily activities right away.

It is a painless procedure. You may only feel a small amount of heat.
Intimalase uses a non-ablative laser, unlike other lasers that use fractionated CO2 lasers. The result is minimal to no downtime, no discharge, or discomfort after the procedure.
After treatment, you can resume sexual relations 3 to 5 days later.

How many sessions will I need?

Three treatments are usually recommended for the best results.

How effective is IntimaLase®?

The IntimaLase® procedure is exceptionally successful, with a 97% patient satisfaction rate. Ninety-five percent of women experienced a significant or moderate improvement in vaginal tightness after receiving IntimaLase®.



Laser treatment for stress urinary incontinence

IncontiLase® is a non-invasive, innovative treatment for urinary incontinence. The method uses non-ablative photothermal tension to cause shrinkage of the urethral and anterior bladder walls.

The IncontiLase procedure is efficient, easy-to-perform, and safe!

Unique Advantages of IncontiLase:

    • Effective solution for mild and moderate stress, as well as mixed incontinence
    • Photothermal tightening of the urethral and anterior bladder walls
    • Minimally invasive, no incisions
    • No anesthesia required
    • Quick, easy, and safe procedure
    • High patient satisfaction and success rate

Results are commonly noticeable after the first session for most patients!

Multiple sessions may be necessary to achieve desired results. Mild to moderate stress urinary incontinence is usually improved or corrected within three sessions. (Results may vary) It is not necessary to take any special pre-or post-operative precautions. Patients can immediately resume normal daily activities.

This procedure is virtually painless, does not require an incision, and is without ablation, cutting, bleeding, or sutures. This procedure requires no downtime, and recovery is very quick.

How does IncontiLase® work?

IncontiLase® works by precisely controlling laser-induced thermal effects along with the urethral orifice, the vestibule, and the anterior vaginal wall.

What can I expect during the procedure?

The procedure works similarly to an intra-vaginal ultrasound. You might feel a slight warmth during the process.

How long are the sessions, and how many will I need?

Sessions last between 20 and 30 minutes. To achieve the full benefits of IncontiLase, we usually recommend two to three sessions per month.


RenovaLase is a non-invasive and unique ER: YAG laser therapy used to treat the symptoms of vaginal atrophy that usually come with menopause. It is a non-ablative photothermal treatment for the vagina canal. RenovaLase stimulates angiogenesis, new collagen production, and fibroblast activity without ablative or thermal damage. The result is increased epithelial thickness and vascularization of the areas, including the vagina. You will also notice a reduction in dryness, itching irritation, and dyspareunia.


RenovaLase is a non-invasive and unique ER: YAG laser therapy used to treat the symptoms of vaginal atrophy that usually come with menopause. It is a non-ablative photothermal treatment for the vagina canal. RenovaLase stimulates angiogenesis, new collagen production, and fibroblast activity without ablative or thermal damage. The result is increased epithelial thickness and vascularization of the areas, including the vagina. You will also notice a reduction in dryness, itching irritation, and dyspareunia.

Treatment time is 15 to 20 minutes, and the procedure is not painful, however numbing cream is available if you are unusually sensitive. There is little downtime, except you must wait at least seven days for sexual activities. The final results occur within six months, and you may need yearly maintenance.

 RenovaLase is made by Fontona, a company with over 50 years of experience in laser technology. Fontona lasers are committed to delivering the world’s highest performance and best laser services.


Is RenovaLase painful?

We will use a numbing cream to treat the areas to increase your comfort. Treatment lasts about 15 to 20 minutes with little downtime and no surgical scars.

What are the symptoms of vaginal atrophy?

Vaginal atrophy occurs when the wall of the vagina becomes thin, dry, and inflamed.

How many women suffer from vaginal atrophy?

Studies who that almost 100% of women will suffer after menopause from atrophy. RenovaLase will help create new blood vessels, improve the thickness of the vaginal wall, and stimulate collagen and elastin. Cellular metabolic activity increases and cytokines (growth factors) are released.

What causes vaginal atrophy?

Vaginal atrophy is caused due to aging and the decrease in estrogen, which changes the quality of vaginal secretions.

Is RenovaLase safe?

It is a perfectly safe treatment with little downtime. As a result, the FDA has approved the conduct of clinical trials to be performed with RenovaLase.


Pelvic organ prolapse, or POP, is a problem that affects almost 50% of women to some degree. Until now, there were only two solutions for prolapse – surgical methods or pessaries. Now there is ProlapLase, a unique and non-invasive ER: YAG laser alternative for treating POP.

ProlapLase uses gentle, non-ablative photothermal effects to tighten the tissue and contract the vaginal canal. Clinical studies show that this is a very safe and easy-to-perform procedure.


Pelvic organ prolapse, or POP, is a problem that affects almost 50% of women to some degree. Until now, there were only two solutions for prolapse – surgical methods or pessaries. Now there is ProlapLase, a unique and non-invasive ER: YAG laser alternative for treating POP.

ProlapLase uses gentle, non-ablative photothermal effects to tighten the tissue and contract the vaginal canal. Clinical studies show that this is a very safe and easy-to-perform procedure.

ProlapLase is based on controlled laser-induced photothermal effects Fontona lasers provide for mucosa tissue, stimulating collagen remodeling and helping with the growth of new collagen fibers. The result of collagen remodeling is shrinkage and tightening of the vaginal canal without removing any tissue, surgery, or downtime.

The treatment is a simple 3-step process that lifts and tightens vaginal prolapse, rejuvenates the vagina and vulva tissues, and improves pelvic floor muscles’ function. As it improves prolapse symptoms, it also helps with sexual function.


How many sessions will I need?

A treatment series consists of 4 sessions, each spaced one month apart.

Is the ProlapLase safe?

The ProlapLase delivers smooth and gentle solutions to involuntary leakage, dryness, and firmness. In addition, the laser is patented and designed to deliver gentle heat. As a result, treatments are painless and quick, with little downtime.

Is there an age limitation for the treatments?

Treatments are recommended for all ages.

What is prolapse?

Prolapse displaces an organ or part of an organ from the body’s normal position. It is often a downward motion and results in protrusion from an orifice. Most commonly this happens to the bladder or the rectum due to muscle weakness, or complications related to childbirth.

What are the symptoms of prolapse?

Usually, symptoms include:

  • A heavy dragging feeling in the lower back or vagina
  • The feeling of a lump in the vagina
  • Urinary problems like a slow stream or feeling of incomplete bladder emptying
  • Bowel problems and problems moving the bowels
  • Discomfort during sexual intercourse.

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Your treatment will be performed by a licensed therapist. Schedule your appointment now!

Are you ready for a consultation?

Your treatment will be performed by a licensed therapist. Schedule your appointment now!